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A near-future Science Fiction adventure by Jacob M. Callcut (@callcutauthor)

In the near future, the course of humanity is driven by the Matters family and their monopoly over the Solar System’s natural resources until an impoverished teen discovers an out-of-this-world secret about herself that could shatter the entire Matters’ stranglehold. As she embarks upon an adventure that will reshape humanity, her memories are erased and she's forced forsake all she knows to be right and proper to rediscover her truth.

AVAILABLE in digital and paperback formats from all popular vendors

Praise for AWAKENING...

"Awakening" beckons fiction enthusiasts into a captivating sci-fi adventure fantasy. The storytelling is brisk and immersive, skillfully weaving between past and present. With unique characters, romance, and action, "Awakening" delivers an unforgettable journey, making it a must-read for fiction lovers.

-- Ilovebooks

The author's skillful storytelling unfolds a tapestry of emotions, with readers experiencing the young protagonist's excitement, terror, and confusion as if living the adventure themselves. The characters' unique traits and antics add depth to the story, creating an engaging narrative. This book deserves a place on anyone's bookshelf.

-- AkhilReader

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